Tax Topics

Taxes and Green Card Holders

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on May 12, 2017.

Competing laws can make for confusing situations. For many people in the Washington, D.C., area, trying to find the balance becomes something of a way of life. This may be particularly true for green card holders who have financial ties that reach around the globe. On one hand, the current political turmoil over immigration makes […]

Tags: Blog, Tax Topics, IRS

New FBAR Filing Date and Extension

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on May 10, 2017.

U.S. taxpayers with more than $10,000 in a foreign financial account at any time during the calendar year are required to report foreign financial interests on Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). Since the financial crisis in 2008, the government has increased its attention to overseas […]

Tags: Tax Topics, IRS, Blog

A Protected Inheritance: Spendthrift Trusts for Beneficiaries

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on May 10, 2017.

Leanne Fryer Broyles, Esq. Most people are familiar with the concept of a “spendthrift”- a person who is recklessly wasteful with his or her spending. While the spendthrift trust bears the name of the type of person for whom it was designed, its modern purpose is much broader. Anyone leaving substantial means to their beneficiaries […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Estate Planning, Blog

OFAC Trade Sanctions as a Compliance Tool

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on May 6, 2017.

Late last month Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced what he said was one of the largest sanctions actions every taken by Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The sanctions are aimed at 271 employees of the agency of the Syrian government believed to have been involved in chemical weapons attacks. These individuals are now […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Tax Controversies, Blog

5 FAQs on Tax Compliance for Expats

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on April 29, 2017.

Living outside the U.S. can have many benefits, both cultural and financial. But in terms of complying with U.S. tax laws, expatriates carry more burdens, not fewer, than taxpayers who live in the U.S. In this post, we will use a Q & A format to address the issue of tax compliance for U.S. citizens […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Blog

Offshore Calculations, Part 2: Why are Some Opting Out of OVDP?

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on April 7, 2017.

The IRS has been remarkably successful in getting people to enter its limited-amnesty program for undisclosed offshore accounts. In the first part of this post, we took note of some of the reasons for this. The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) has seemed to offer the opportunity to reduce the risk of criminal prosecution for […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Blog

Uncertain Offshore Calculation, Part 1: Are the Penalties in the OVDP Too Pricey?

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on April 1, 2017.

The ongoing IRS enforcement crackdown on offshore accounts has been remarkably lucrative for Uncle Sam. Since the crackdown began in 2009, it has driven more than 100,000 taxpayers into IRS programs to resolve their offshore compliance issues and generated upwards of $10 billion in back taxes, interest and penalties from those taxpayers. But are more […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Blog

FAQs on Wage Garnishment to Collect Tax Debt

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on February 20, 2017.

If you get behind on your taxes, the IRS could try to go after your paycheck to collect the debt. In this post, we’ll address frequently asked questions about this process. What does “garnishment” mean exactly? Garnishment is an old legal term for the procedure used to take property to pay a debt. In the […]

Tags: Tax Topics, IRS, Blog

Collection Due Process Rights, Part 2: Why they are Needed

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on September 4, 2016.

In the first part of this post, we began discussing collection due process (CDP) rights. Those rights and required procedures are important in establishing the rules that the IRS has to play by when seeking to collect back taxes. In this part of the post, let’s look at some of the reasons why people can […]

Tags: Tax Topics, IRS, Blog

Offshore Net still Entangling Taxpayers: a Q & A on the OVDP

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on August 26, 2016.

The IRS’s stepped-up enforcement campaign on offshore account disclosure has been going on for years now. Combined with the rollout of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, it has put great pressure on taxpayers with offshore holding as well as foreign financial institutions. Faced with possible criminal penalties, many taxpayers have chosen to participate in […]

Tags: Tax Topics, IRS, Blog