Tax Topics
Morocco Signs on to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
The United States has taken a hard-line approach on tax compliance for assets held in foreign countries. Those who hold these assets and fail to comply with tax laws face serious penalties. These penalties can include jail time. Part of this effort involves the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). What is FATCA? The law […]
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Tax Reform in the U.S. Could Trigger Big Changes in Europe
One of the goals of recent tax reform in the United States was to encourage businesses to bring revenue currently kept in foreign countries back into the United States. Not everyone was thrilled with this change — including a number of European countries. In response, the European Commission is taking into consideration tax revisions of […]
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2017 Tax And Jobs Cut Act Analysis
On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This is the first major tax reform since Ronald Reagan was president in 1986. The act replaces the graduated corporate tax rate structure with a flat 21 percent tax, repeals the corporate AMT, lowers the tax rates for six of the […]
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Offshore Accounts in a Post-FATCA Market
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) went into effect in 2010. This law requires all foreign institutions outside of the United States to report assets and identities of account holders that are United States citizens. Failure to comply can result in serious ramifications, including steep financial penalties. How has this law impacted the industry? […]
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Three Tips for Those Planning to Retire Abroad
Retirement is a time to reap the rewards of years of hard work and planning. For some, this may mean leaving the country to be closer to family, friends, or to simply take more time to explore the world. This can be a rewarding endeavor when done wisely. However, a failure to properly account for […]
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Will Congress Pass a Foreign Earnings Tax?
Congress is considering a new tax proposal that would result in a minimum tax applied to the foreign earnings made by U.S. companies’. The effort is viewed as an attempt to keep funds here in the United States as opposed to sending them overseas. How do these taxes currently work?Current law applies a 35 percent […]
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Know Your Rights if the IRS Breaks the Rules
Glen Frost, managing partner of Frost & Associates, was quoted in an article featured in the USA Today speaking on taxpayers rights. Most individuals are aware of the severe consequences they may face if they break a tax law, even if it was done accidentally. However, most aren’t well versed in the rules that the […]
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Tax Court: Economic Hardship Exception to Proposed Levy Only for Individuals
In Inc. v. Commissioner, Manor Nursing Home, 148 T.C. No. 9 (Mar. 23, 2017), where a corporate taxpayer sought release from a proposed levy because it would create an economic hardship, the Tax Court concluded that limiting economic hardship relief to individuals is a permissible interpretation of the statute. Taxpayer, a nursing home facility in […]
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Making Money by Paying Local Taxes: Should Richmond Amend Its Tax Refund Interest Ordinance?
In an article in The Washington Post, Glen Frost was quoted when he talked about a “mystery business.” The business found an ingenious and legal way of making a 10 percent return on their money. The business just made sure to significantly overpay its estimated taxes, triggering a law that required the city to refund […]
Entity Selection
Kristin LeClair Zurowski Generally, the first step in setting up a business is the choice of entity. While state laws govern the formation of entities, Federal law dictates the treatment of entities for Federal tax purposes. Additional considerations should be liability, control, and exit strategy. The most common entity types are: Sole Proprietorship – An […]
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