Advocacy Group for Overseas Americans Calls for FATCA Repeal
As long as Congress is undertaking efforts to reform the U.S. tax code, why not repeal the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. That’s the suggestion that’s being made by the group American Citizens Abroad. The recommendation addressing this particular tax controversy was made in the form of a statement sent to Washington, D.C., this week […]
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Tax ‘Dirty Dozen’ for 2013 Shows What’s on IRS Crime Watch List
It’s hardly as anticipated as the Cherry Blossom Festival here in Washington, D.C., but it is no less reliable in its arrival. We’re talking about the Internal Revenue Services’ annual “Dirty Dozen” list of potential tax scams. The tax crimes list is offered in the context of being a service to protect taxpayers from unscrupulous […]
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Fed Workers with Tax Liens Could Lose Jobs Under House Measure
The top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says a measure passed by the panel on a voice vote this week defies logic. If the bill becomes law, federal workers who are “seriously delinquent” on paying their taxes and under liens for evading taxes could find themselves out of a job. Candidates […]
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Legal, Illegal, IRS Expects Income Reported For Taxing
It might seem counterintuitive, but the government doesn’t care how you make your money when it comes to taxes. However you earn your income, the Internal Revenue Service wants it reported so that appropriate taxes can be collected. Filing instructions make it clear that income, even from illegal activities, must be recorded and reported. It […]
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IRS Audits Not Always Random: Some Tips On Reducing Risk
Any fans of Monty Python out there? There are certainly a few in the Washington, D.C., area. If you are, you may remember one notable skit by the British comedy troupe called “The Spanish Inquisition.” The catch phrase of the skit is, “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!” What follows is a skit-derailing explanation about […]
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Word From Tax Advocate: IRS Heal Thyself
Every year the Taxpayer Advocate Service issues a report to Congress about the state of the nation’s tax code. Washington, D.C., area readers of this blog may be interested, but not surprised to know that the latest report from the head of the service suggests there are a few things that could use some changing, […]
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Ireland On Board With IRS FATCA Enforcement Efforts
When businesses find themselves in tight financial spots, they often look for new streams of revenue. Washington does the same thing, though its main revenue stream — taxing — remains key. Right now, the nation is slowly emerging from what some have called the Great Recession. That’s put added pressures on the treasury and the […]
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