Washington D.C. Tax Law Blog

OJ Simpson Adds Tax Controversies To His List Of Financial Troubles

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on November 23, 2012.

Some people in the Washington, DC, area probably breathe a sigh of relief after the statute of limitations passes for past tax liability. However, taxpayers must also realize when filing a return — or failing to file a return for that matter — that they are not necessarily off the hook for an audit. In […]

Tags: Blog, Tax Controversies

Penalties for Tax Evasion Too Harsh for Marylanders to Ignore

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on November 16, 2012.

Government doesn’t run on fumes. Taxes are the lifeblood of government operations and officials in Maryland and at the federal level will go to great lengths to collect all the funds they may argue they are due. Those who are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service or face investigation for alleged tax evasion should […]

Tags: Blog, Tax Evasion