- IRS Indicates Intent to Actively Pursue Passport Revocations
- An Expatriate Small Business Owner’s Letter to the IRS
- Court Orders IRS to Amend Overbroad Summons for Cryptocurrency Information
- Psychic Never Saw it Coming: IRS Recharacterizes Loan as Income
- 401(k) Distribution for First Home Purchase Included in Income and Subject to Penalty
- Are Virtual Currencies Held in Foreign Exchanges FBAR Reportable?
- Government Charges Former CPA with Filing False Streamlined Offshore Submission
- Virginia: Residency of Estates and Trusts No Longer Determined by Location of Administration
- New IRS Procedures Offer Significant Relief for Certain Expatriates
- The Dispute Over Non-Willful FBAR Violation Calculations
- Protect Yourself from IRS Post-Bankruptcy Retirement Account Seizure
- IRS Finalizes Safe Harbor for Rental Real Estate Enterprise to Qualify as Business for QBI Deduction
- IRS Must Provide Taxpayer a Chance to Cure Offer in Compromise Default
- “Fatally Inconsistent:” Notice of Deficiency Invalid Due to Ambiguity
- Expanding “Gig Economy” Redefining Employee Classification
- Proposed Tax Levy Sustained to Collect from Non-Compliant Former Harvard Professor
- BP Deepwater Horizon Case Proceeds After Tax Court Reviews IRS Handling of Whistleblower’s Claim
- How Does the New Act’s Key Tax Extenders Potentially Impact Your Individual and Business Returns?
- Must the IRS Obtain Supervisory Approval Before Assessing You with Personal Responsibility for Employment Taxes (TFRP)?
- No Evidentiary Burden for IRS Applicable to Accrued Interest and Penalties