Latest IRS Budget Cut Consequence: Paper Forms are Hard to Find

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on March 10, 2015.

As we have discussed a couple of times in this blog, the IRS is dealing with significant budget cuts this year that have forced it to significantly shrink its workforce. Among other things, this will probably result in taxpayers receiving less reliable customer service when they have questions about their returns. Another change in IRS […]

Tags: IRS, Blog

Earned Income Tax Credit Helps Many Families Save Money

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on March 5, 2015.

No matter your attitude toward paying taxes to fund government programs, few people want to pay more in income taxes than they have to. With the proper advice and attention to the law, the average taxpayer should be able to find deductions to which they are entitled, and avoid an IRS audit. As ABC News […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Blog

Can you Pass this Tax Law Quiz?

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on February 24, 2015.

The federal tax code is very complicated. Even people who have been filing their taxes themselves for years likely are not experts. If the IRS ever accuses them of breaking the law, there is a good chance the taxpayer will not even understand what they are accused of doing, let alone be able to mount […]

Tags: IRS

What to do When the IRS Puts a Tax Lien on Your Property

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on February 19, 2015.

A claim by the IRS that you owe it back taxes puts more than your bank account at risk. The agency may also take your home or other property through what is known as a “tax lien.” As readers may know, a lien is a legal claim against another party’s property. A federal tax lien […]

Tags: Tax Topics, IRS, Blog

Woman Fails to Pay Income Tax on $500,000

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on February 13, 2015.

A 42-year-old Connecticut woman pleaded guilty to tax evasion this week. Over the past six years, she had failed to pay income tax on more than half a million dollars. No, she did not forget to file her taxes, nor did she make a simple mathematical error on her federal tax returns. According to the […]

Tags: IRS, Tax Evasion, Blog

IRS Commissioner: We’re Using Technology From the ’60s

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on February 4, 2015.

We recently discussed how the IRS is dealing with strict budget cuts. Our blog post on the subject mentioned that the agency is reducing its workforce and expects to perform thousands fewer audits this year than in 2014. Besides having to tighten its belt, the IRS is also dealing with an old-fashioned computer system that […]

Tags: IRS, Blog

Appealing within the IRS is an Option for Tax Disputes

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on January 28, 2015.

A taxpayer may feel powerless against the mighty IRS, but an individual or business who feels they are being overcharged on an income tax adjustment has the option to appeal. Even the place they file the appeal is not predetermined. Besides tax court, appeals can be handled by the local IRS appeals office. It is […]

Tags: IRS

3 Reasons for the IRS to Make Offers in Compromise to Taxpayers

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on January 22, 2015.

In the law, most things can be negotiated. This applies to criminal law as well as civil lawsuits. It also applies to many tax controversies involving the IRS. Taxpayers dealing with an audit may have an option to settle the matter through a process called an offer in compromise. As the name implies, an offer […]

Tags: Tax Controversies, Blog

IRS Commissioner Says to Expect 46K Fewer Audits in 2015

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on January 14, 2015.

Budget cuts have hit the IRS, and the agency expects to perform 46,000 fewer audits this year, according to Commissioner John Koskinen. Reduced staff is one way the agency is dealing with $346 million in cuts made by Congress last year. Congress approved a $10.9 billion budget, about $346 million less than the previous year’s […]

Tags: IRS, Blog

Avoiding Employee Tax Problems in Maryland

On behalf of Frost Law posted in on January 7, 2015.

A business owner must make decisions that improve the bottom line as much as possible. One of these decisions is in the way he or she hires people. Whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor has many legal implications, not the least of which is what taxes you must pay on their […]

Tags: Tax Topics, Blog