Washington, D.C., IRS Tax Litigation Attorney

If you have found yourself in the middle of a federal income tax controversy, and you fear that the dispute could wind up in a courtroom, don’t panic. Frost Law offers legal assistance and sound counsel for your case, regarding IRS tax lien, tax levy, collections, employment, international or criminal tax matter.
Our goal in every engagement is to quickly and efficiently achieve a favorable outcome for our clients. The best way of accomplishing this is to settle the case at an early stage administratively within the IRS, using techniques of in-depth investigation and skillful negotiation.
Our tax lawyers serve individuals, families and businesses in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area and across the country.
Ready to get assistance from our tax lawyers?
Give us a call at (202) 618-1873 or fill out a brief contact form.
Your IRS civil tax litigation may be conducted in one of four courts:
U.S. Tax Court
The majority of cases are heard in tax court, before a judge with expertise in tax law. One of the biggest benefits to this forum is that taxpayers are not required to pay the tax assessments before litigating.
U.S. District Court
Taxpayers must exhaust all administrative remedies, and pay the disputed tax, before suing for a refund in U.S. District Court. This can be a favorable forum because it is the only venue that offers the opportunity for a jury trial.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
If the taxpayer has filed for Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the Bankruptcy Court has the discretion to decide whether IRS tax assessments and IRS tax liens are valid and whether sustained tax liabilities can be discharged.
U.S. Court of Federal Claims
This court can be another favorable forum for taxpayers who pay the disputed tax and sue for a refund. This court is based in Washington, D.C.
Wherever your IRS tax controversy is in the resolution process, either during negotiation or before a judge, you can count on our lawyers to arm you with facts you need for sound decisions, protect your rights at all times and strive for the most positive possible outcome.
Contact us at (202) 618-1873 or fill out this contact form to get your free initial consultation to discuss your impending IRS tax litigation or ways to avoid going to court.